Began working with our first community in Lomas de Zapallal, an informal urban settlement in Lima, Peru.
Conducted baseline survey and community meetings at Pitagoras in Lima, Peru.
Built the lower garden section of Pitagoras with our first exploration seminar. Traction started meetings with Eliseo Collasos.
Started fog water testing and planning in Lima, Peru. Traction built the first round of community gardens with Elisea Collasos.
Conducted community mental health assessment for Phase II of community garden with Eliseo Collasos. Dissertation was written up about the fog catchment design.
Built Phase II of the community gardens with Eliseo Collasos.
Initiated relationships with partners and communities in Iquitos, Peru (2015) and Kathmandu, Nepal (2016). Built Phase I of the fog catchment system with Eliseo Collasos. Planned out Phase II of the fog catchment system which focused on a community garden area and sports playing field.
Built Phase II of the fog catchment project with Eliseo Collasos.
Envisioned our future as an independent nonprofit organization working in collaboration with communities, universities and other organizations, locally and globally. Took strategic steps in that direction.
Founded Traction. Registered as a Washington nonprofit. Over the years our work has evolved and expanded. However our mission and values remain the same!
Registered as a charitable organization, and federal 501(c)3 (EIN 84-1744458).
Hired our first grant writing consultant to focus on ramping up Traction's operational funds. Appointed our Executive Director to work in affiliation with the grant writer (who later evolved into being our Senior Advisor).
Voted on new board of director and expanded in staff. Hired a new Cascadia Project Manager to lead the next phase of the Nickelsville project after securing a EPA Environmental Justice Small Grants award.
Processed new internal structuring to evolve our Hubs and how Hub Leads collaborate with Administration. Embarked upon new Peru project and a new Cascadia project. Had our Annual Meeting and bid farewell to two Board Members